Parrot reunites with his owner after 3 years

In a heartwarming tale of reunion, a West African gray parrot stolen three years ago was found thanks to its ability to say its own name.
This particular species of parrot is known for its strong communication skills and social nature. Unfortunately, due to its value, it is often targeted for theft and illegal sale.
The missing bird was discovered last week, being sold near the Old Port of Marseille.
Even though these birds are protected by law, their sale is not uncommon. However, because this particular bird had no identification ring, it became a matter for the authorities.
When police officers examined the bird, it spoke up and said “Jaco, jaco, jaco.” One of the officers immediately realized that he had a colleague who had lost a parrot with that same name in 2020.
He had told everyone that if the parrot was found, it would say its name. The bird’s identity was immediately confirmed, and it was taken to a charitable animal shelter for the night.
The reunion between the parrot and its owner was a touching moment. As soon as the bird saw its owner, it immediately shouted out its name. This remarkable story illustrates the incredible ability of animals to form deep bonds and remember their loved ones.
This incident sheds light on the disturbing trend of illegal bird sales in various regions. Parrot theft is not uncommon, and owners are always encouraged to take precautions to ensure the safety and security of their pets.
However, in this case, the parrot’s ability to speak its name was a powerful tool in being reunited with its owner.
With its impressive memory and ability to form deep bonds, the West African gray bird has proven to be an incredible companion. Hopefully, this heartwarming tale will encourage others to take better care of their pets and raise awareness about the risks of illegal animal sales.