Valentine’s Day: Five Arabic love phrases that have hilarious translations

The Arabic language is known to be very complex, with no verified or exact number of words and several different dialects spoken across the Middle East and North African region.

There are at least 11 words for ‘love’ in the Arabic language alone. But not every adoring phrase in Arabic can be understood in English when translated literally.

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, here are some Arabic love phrases to make you giggle when translated to English:

1. Qamar

‘Qamar,’ which translates to ‘moon’. Referring to someone as the moon means that they are beautiful.

2. Toqborni

The literal translation of ‘toqborni’ is “bury me,” a term more commonly used in Lebanon. And while it may seem grim in English, ‘toqborni’ actually means “may I die before you and you bury me, so I don’t have to live one day without you.”

3. Fulla Shamaa Monawara

‘Fulla Shamaa Monawara’ translates to “lit candle.” In the Egyptian dialect, calling someone by that phrase means they are beautiful like a bright candle.

4. Bamoot feek/feeki

In yet another reference to death, ‘bamoot feek’ (when said to a male) or ‘bamoot feeki’ (said to a female) is another common expression of love. The term directly translates to “I die in you,” or in other words “I would die for you.”

5. Tayer feeki/Tayra feek

‘Tayer feeki’ (when said to a female) or ‘tayer feek’ (when said to a male) is directly translated to “I am flying with you.” While the translation does not make much sense in English, it means “I am crazy in love with you.”

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