Top books released in 2023 you should make sure to read

 As the star of the year arrives, avid  readers out there might be eagerly seeking new books to dive into and add to their reading lists for 2024. With a plethora of choices available, it can be overwhelming to select the best ones to indulge in. Here is short list of some of the top books released in 2023 to read in case you haven’t heard of them or missed them:

1. “Do You Remember Being Born?” by Sean Michaels

Top books released in 2023

In an age where artificial intelligence influences various aspects of our lives, Sean Michaels weaves a captivating tale in “Do You Remember Being Born?” The novel follows a 75 years old poet partnering with an AI to co-write a poem inspired by her own work. Michaels addresses the value of writing with grace and elegance, provoking thought and delivering beautiful sentences that leave a lasting impact.

2. “Fire Weather: A True Story from a Hotter World” by John Vaillant

Top books released in 2023

John Vaillant’s “Fire Weather” delves into the gripping account of the 2016 Fort McMurray fire, offering essential context to understand the rampant wildfires that have plagued Canada’s boreal forests. Exploring the consequences of climate change and its impact on wildfire outbreaks, this book provides an eye-opening perspective on a pressing ecological issue.

3. “Our Hideous Progeny” by C. E. McGill

Top books released in 2023

Blending elements of classic literature, horror, and adventure, C. E. McGill’s “Our Hideous Progeny” starts as a Frankenstein spinoff but takes an unexpected turn into a bizarro prequel to Jurassic Park. Set in 1850s London, this cozy horror novel offers a unique and thrilling experience reminiscent of storm-watching in a leaky castle in Scotland.

4. “Blood in the Machine: The Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech” by Brian Merchant

Top books released in 2023

And lastly on the Top books released in 2023 list is “Blood in the Machine,” Brian Merchant explores the historical context of the Luddite uprising during the Industrial Revolution and draws parallels to the present-day rebellion against big tech. Offering a spirited and thoughtful account, Merchant delves into the fascinating connections, helping readers gain a deeper understanding of the current technological landscape.

These books offer a diverse range of themes, from AI-driven creativity to ecological crises, eerie adventures, and the tech revolution’s impact on society. Each one promises engrossing storytelling, profound insights, and the potential to transport readers to different worlds, making some of the top books released in 2023 that you should make sure to read.

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