Things to avoid while driving during an earthquake

An earthquake is a situation that is frightening and dangerous, and as of late more and more people are having to go through it with the tragic incidents in Turkey, Syria, and now Morocco.
When driving during an earthquake, you need to be very cautious because it is easy to make mistakes that can cause accidents. Therefore, it is essential to take precautions to protect yourself and others on the road. Here are some things to avoid while driving during an earthquake.
1. Try not to panic
As difficult as it may sound given the circumstances, panicking while driving in general is dangerous, let alone panicking while driving during an earthquake.
Panicking can cause you to lose control of your vehicle and may lead to collisions with other drivers or obstacles on the road, so try to stay as calm as much as you can, and leave the panicking after you are out of danger.
2. Avoid going under or above a bridge
Avoid stopping or driving on a bridge or under an overpass. If you are driving when an earthquake strikes, it may be tempting to stop your vehicle in an attempt to protect yourself from falling debris. However, stopping under a bridge or an overpass can be much more dangerous than driving through an earthquake. The weight of the structure above you can cause it to collapse due to the earthquake, resulting in serious injury or even death.
3. Avoid using your phone
While there may be a temptation to call loved ones to check on them, using your cell phone while driving during an earthquake can be very dangerous.
It can add to distractions, putting yourself and other drivers at risk. If you need to make a phone call, pull over to the side of the road and use your phone there.
4. Don’t drive too fast or too slow
Driving at high speeds during an earthquake can cause your car to lose control, putting you and other drivers at risk. On the other hand, driving too slowly can cause traffic jams, which can be dangerous in the event of an aftershock. Drive at a moderate speed and keep a safe distance from other vehicles on the road.
5. Waiting
While it might be hard, sometimes waiting inside a vehicle until the shaking stops is the right thing to do. Do not leave your vehicle unless remaining in it poses an immediate risk to your safety. It might be even wise to stock your car with emergency supplies to be on the safe side.
All in all, while the five points mentioned above could help someone during an earthquake, one can only hope they won’t be put in a position where they’ll need to use them, but being more informed is never a bad thing.