No one’s happy with Sam Smith’s satanic performance

Singer Sam Smith gets accused of throwing a “satanic ritual” performance at the 65th Annual Grammy Awards.
Singer Sam Smith is now on the long list of musicians that have been accused of being devil worshipers, and it all started after he performed a hell-themed performance at the 2023 Grammy Award ceremony.
Sam Smith has just joined the long line of musicians that have been accused of worshiping the devil thanks to his performance at this year’s Grammys.
Smith performed his newest single “Unholy” and in his performance, the singer wore a red cloth and a devil-horned hat.
Madonna was the one who introduced the performance, she said: “Are you ready for a little controversy?”
Liz Wheeler shared a clip of the performance to Twitter and said: “Don’t fight the culture wars, they say. Meanwhile, demons are teaching your kids to worship Satan. I could throw up.”
Sharing that tweet was Ted Cruz who simply commented: “This is evil.”
Matt Walsh added, “It’s not surprising to see a satanic ritual at the Grammy’s. Satanism is the worship of the self. Much of modern pop music is satanic in this sense. Leftism is satanism. The only change is that now they’re being more explicit about it.”