Man juggles blindfolded for over an hour, breaking record

Serial record-breaker David Rush returned to his roots by recapturing his first-ever Guinness World Records title: longest duration juggling three objects blindfolded.

Rush, who has since broken more than 250 Guinness World Records, achieved his first title in 2015 when he donned a blindfold and juggled for 6 minutes and 34 seconds.

The record-breaking enthusiast has returned to the record on three occasions to increase his time, most recently managing to juggle for 32 minutes 7 seconds in 2021.

He lost the record for the first time in eight years when an Australian performer clocked a time of 43 minutes and 30 seconds.

Rush said recently setting the record for the longest duration juggling at 13 hours and 10 minutes served as preparation to retake the blindfolded version of the record.

He managed to juggle blindfolded for 1 hour, 3 minutes and 4 seconds before dropping a ball, more than enough to recapture his title.

Rush now holds 170 concurrent Guinness World Records, bringing him closer to his goal of overtaking Silvio Sabba, who currently holds 180 titles.

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