How much money does Mohamed Ramadan have?

A representatives in the Egyptian Parliament revealed shocking details about the wealth of Mohamed Ramadan.
The representative shared the revelation after Mohamed Ramadan shared a picture holding a large stack of dollars.
The explanatory memorandum for the briefing request submitted by the deputy included:
“The artist, Mohamed Ramadan, appeared in a series of pictures, as he returned from America on his private jet, which is estimated to cost around $6 million, which is equivalent to 180 million Egyptian pounds.”
The member of Parliament explained that the artist, who calls himself “Number One” in Egypt for being the highest paid artist in the field said: “As a result of his participation in his latest artistic work, Jaafar Al-Omda, he received an estimated 65 million Egyptian pounds, or approximately $2 million, more than the wages he received in the series “Al-Mishwar” in Ramadan 2022; As he received 45 million pounds, which is approximately $1.5 million dollars, which is the same wage that he received in the series “Musa” in Ramadan 2021.”
She added: “Meaning that the total amount that Mohamed Ramadan received during 3 years in 3 drama works is equivalent to 155 million Egyptian pounds. That is, approximately $5 million, without adding his wages as a result of his participation in advertisements and lyrical celebrations inside and outside Egypt.”
In total, Ramadan managed to make $11 million in just three years.