Halima Boland’s 2-year sentence overturned by court with no punishment imposed

 In the latest developments regarding the Halima Boland case, the Eighth Criminal Circuit Court of Appeal reversed the original ruling that had sentenced her to two years in prison with tough labor and a fine of 2,000 dinars. 

Counselor Abdullah Al-Othman presided over the court, which also agreed not to impose any punishment on Boland. ‏

Dr. Faisal Ayal, the lawyer representing the journalist, stated: At the initial hearing before the Court of Appeal, we argued that the first accused had committed acts of maliciousness and fabrication by seizing and manipulating the journalist’s phone.

Sunday, the court decided not to proclaim the verdict, according to lawyer Maryam Al-Bahr. The two parties had already waived their objections.

She said on Snapchat, “No less than my soul love, my sister, and all my friends deserve congratulations.” The impartial court, my persuasive closing statements, and the entire team deserve all of God’s glory.

The Criminal Court’s refusal to release Halima in the incitement to debauchery and immorality case last week, despite both parties waiving their objections, is significant in this issue involving public rights.

After a Kuwaiti citizen filed a complaint, the police detained Halima and put her in jail at the beginning of May last year, making the case trend.

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