Gupse Özay responds to jealousy rumors about Hande Erçel and Barış Arduç

Gupse Özay addresses jealousy rumors surrounding Barış Arduç and Hande Erçel, praising their on-screen chemistry.
Both Hande Erçel and Barış Arduç, whose harmonious performance in the film Rüzgara Bırak caused a stir on social media, had garnered a lot of praise for their tremendous energy. It was a matter of curiosity to know how Arduç’s wife, Gupse Özay, saw this circumstance, considering the fact that the duo’s union was a source of excitement for their admirers.
When reporters were able to catch up with Gupse Özay, she naturally, without delay, brought up the matter, and she was subsequently questioned, “Is there jealousy?”
The well-known actress and scriptwriter Gupse Zay answered these questions with her signature funny flair. A clear response was provided by Özay in response to the charges of envy. He stated, “I really like Hande and Barış; they have a perfect energy!” This was a clear response to the allegations. “We have been married for years; there is no such thing.”
However, she did not overlook the fact that she was envious of Barış’s intelligence, stating, “I find it extremely humorous!” Every single one of my close pals is aware of it. and chuckled to themselves.
Gupse Özay’s unhurried demeanor once again demonstrated the significant trust that the pair had for one another. It would appear that the Arduç-Özay couple continues to pursue their blissful pathways without paying attention to the rumors of jealousy that circulate in the world of magazines.
Gupse Özay, a highly accomplished actress, has issued her initial statement regarding the film titled “Rüzgara Bırak,” which features her husband, Barış Arduç, as well as Hande Ercal.
To quote Özay, “I found Hande and Barış to be very appealing.” The two of them managed to capture a stunning vibe.
She responded to the question, “Aren’t you jealous of your husband?” by saying, “It would be nice if I had some muscle.” Yeah, I really ought to get some exercise. You shouldn’t be so envious.
We have been married for a certain number of years… He is completely devoid of any feelings. I am envious of his level of intelligence. “Barış is more hilarious than I am.”