Global celebrities unite in support of Gaza: Calls for peace amidst conflict

Famous people from all over the world are still showing their support for Gaza. Actors like John Cusack and musicians like Yusuf Islam are speaking out against the attacks happening there.

John Cusack posted on his social media, asking for the violence to stop and for peace for everyone involved. But his post got taken down, which he didn’t like.

Yusuf Islam talked about the Super Bowl in the US, saying it’s hard to enjoy it knowing what’s happening in Gaza.

American rapper Saul Williams spoke out on his social media, urging for a ceasefire and accusing Israel of committing mass killings. He believes Israel’s actions are like asking, “What will you do?” while they carry out assassinations.

Hollywood actor Mahershala Ali joined the call for peace by sharing pictures on Instagram showing the tough conditions at the Rafah border crossing. He also supported the #ceasefirenow campaign.

Della Miles, a strong supporter of Palestine, shared her thoughts on Instagram, saying, “We’ve been wondering where the true Muslims are for years. Turns out, they’re all in Gaza.”

Comedian Aasif Mandvi shared stories of the struggles faced by children in Gaza on his Instagram, backing the #ceasefirenow movement.

Syrian actress and director Sulaf Fawakherji posted pictures on her Instagram to highlight the hunger crisis among Gaza’s children.

Jordanian actor Monther Rayahnah used his social media to back Gaza, supporting initiatives like “Save Gaza.”

Syrian actress Kinda Alloush shared videos from Gaza reporters on her Instagram, calling for protection for Gaza’s children and an immediate ceasefire.

Tunisian singer Emel Mathlouthi used Instagram on Valentine’s Day to remind people of Palestine by changing “Valentine Day” to “Palestine Day” in a post. She called for peace, sharing a picture of herself singing for Palestine in a church in Cairo. Emel said she felt sad she couldn’t do more to help and hoped her voice would bring some comfort.

American actor Mark Ruffalo also spoke out at an awards event, asking why peace efforts were being ignored while people suffered. He urged leaders like President Joe Biden to push for a ceasefire.

Zeynep Öykü, a harp player from Turkey, joined in, saying we need peace first, then we can work on solving things. She called for a ceasefire right away.

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