Bristol: Clifton Suspension Bridge captured on camera made out of beer can

Old beer cans have been used to take photographs of a city landmark.
The empty cans were turned into pinhole cameras by photographer Justin Quinnell and used to take pictures of Bristol’s Clifton Suspension Bridge during a workshop for local people.
In previous projects, he has used a giant wheelie bin, wellington boots and cameras in his mouth to take pictures.
“It’s a whole world of potential, it’s the joy of experimentation,” Mr Quinnell said.

He has been using pinhole photography and camera obscuras – a method of taking pictures using a tiny pinhole instead of lenses to focus light – for 35 years.
“It all started when I was teaching photography to students who couldn’t afford cameras at South Bristol College.
“I got them to make coke can pinhole cameras and I was hooked,” he said.
Mr Quinnell added: “One of the most basic but effective cameras is an empty drink can with a hole in the side containing a sheet of ‘traditional’ light sensitive photographic paper.”

The images were developed at a temporary dark room at The Hub, a learning centre close to the bridge.
The photographer felt Clifton Suspension Bridge was a fitting place to hold the photography sessions because of Bristol’s connections with the medium.

He said: “Lots of wonderful images were made of the lovely bridge – and I see Bristol as being the centre of photography in some ways.
“It’s where Humphrey Davy and Thomas Wedgwood created shadows of leaves on parchment in 1803. We’re lucky to have so many links to photography.”