yalı çapkını cast start their table reading

yalı çapkını cast start their table reading.
The filming of the second season for yalı çapkını has been postponed due to a few touch-ups that are being made on the script of the show, it has also been claimed that the series’ director Burcu Alptekin got busy directing other series.
It is expected that the cast of yalı çapkını is set to start their table reading this week, filming will reportedly start at the end of August or the beginning of September.
It’s been announced that Leyla Uslu Oter and Ekin Akçay will now write the new season of the series together.
Season two will start from episode 37, as the first season ended on episode 36. The show stars Afra Saraçoğlu and Mert Ramazan Demir.
By the end of the first season, a rumor started claiming that actor Çetin Tekindor who played the role of Halis Aga will leave the show’s second season, however, nothing was confirmed, but it has been claimed that Tekindor won’t be featured in the new work.
According to Turkish journalist Birsen Altuntaş, a new female character is joining the cast, in addition to a new grandson character.