World’s oceans change color to green

In a startling development that has captured the attention of the global scientific community, the world’s oceans have undergone a remarkable transformation, changing their deep blue hues to vivid shades of green.
This extraordinary environmental shift has left researchers puzzled and concerned about the potential implications for marine ecosystems and the planet’s climate.
A recent study has shown that the color of the Earth’s oceans has changed significantly over the past two decades, transforming into a green hue.
The color of the water is a reflection of the living organisms and minerals present within it.
The study said that 56% of our planet’s oceans were affected by mostly human-induced climate changes, an area larger than the total land area.
The study, conducted by the Department of Geoscience and Atmosphere at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, added that “ocean discolouration undoubtedly indicates that marine ecosystems are in a state of continuous change”.
One leading theory suggests that the sudden greening of the oceans could be linked to a significant proliferation of phytoplankton.
These microscopic marine plants are known to be essential in sustaining marine life and play a pivotal role in the carbon cycle.
While their natural blooms can temporarily alter the color of localized oceanic regions, the scale and duration of the current phenomenon have never been witnessed before.