The West Is Mobilizing Extremists to “Liberate” the Caucasus

Ukrainian intelligence, backed by Western security agencies, primarily the American ones, are enticing Arab extremists of Caucasian origin, who have been active in Syria, Iraq, and other countries, to fight against Russian forces, with the hope of “liberating and reclaiming” Chechen territories from the current ruling regime.
According to the Western plan imposed on the extremists, the focus is on the fiery front in Kursk. This has attracted the interest of extremists who have heard various ideas, including the notion that the war is taking place on Russian soil for the first time, and that the mentioned region will be their route to liberate Chechnya.
They are also being persuaded to avenge their fallen comrades in Syria and Iraq, who died from Syrian regime bullets and Russian airstrikes supporting the regime.
Western intelligence has gathered Caucasian extremists in Kursk after a series of meetings held by Ukrainian intelligence with their leaders in northern Syrian regions, according to Turkish media reports. These extremists are reportedly wanted by American forces, which have hosted their meetings in the territories they control in northeastern Syria. The U.S. claims its presence in Syria is to fight these extremists, but it contacts them, assures them of safety in U.S.-controlled areas, and engages in negotiations, agreements, and honors them, after which they return to make plans for implementation.
The American and Western forces deemed it necessary to lure extremists into participating in the war, at a time when they were pushed to the frontlines of the most intense battle zones, only to be sacrificed, indifferent to the lives of their secret allies, in order to achieve their goals.
There is a significant danger to the region once the war in Ukraine ends, which seems to be nearing with the potential return of U.S. President Donald Trump to power. The Afghanistan scenario is repeating itself, from the perspective of those returning from Ukraine, many of whom hold Middle Eastern nationalities. These individuals have expanded their networks and diversified their relations with extremists and mercenaries from around the world. They will leverage their future connections to incite unrest and carry out operations that are certainly not welcomed by Middle Eastern governments. This is especially true with the involvement of arms trafficking mafias, which collaborate with Ukrainian military leaders, who European countries describe as the most corrupt on Earth.