Should pregnant women fast during Ramadan?

 Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, devotion, and solidarity for Muslims worldwide. However, when it comes to fasting during Ramadan, pregnant women can be left in a dilemma. 

While the Quran provides clear permission for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to break their fast if they fear for themselves, their fetuses, or their newborns, many women are still uncertain about their fasting options. Some pregnant women try to fast to meet religious obligations, while others avoid it altogether, feeling guilty about not participating in the holy month.

Should pregnant women fast during Ramadan?

pregnant women

So, how can a mother make an informed decision? A doctor consultation is always crucial, says Raghda Rashad, MD, a consultant at the International Board of Breastfeeding Medicine. She emphasizes that pregnancy is a period of change, affecting the mother’s food intake, the fetus’s development, and the mother’s health.

The decision to fast or not should be made on a case-by-case basis. Several factors, such as the mother’s health status, the hours of fasting, and the stage of pregnancy, affect the mother’s decision.

In the first trimester, pregnant women are routinely affected by nausea, vomiting, and acid reflux. In the second trimester, mothers may benefit from smaller meals, while in the latter stages of pregnancy, the fetus’s size puts internal pressure on the mother’s digestive system, leading to indigestion and discomfort.

In all cases, doctors recommend eating a healthy, balanced diet with small, nutrient-dense meals throughout the day to maintain blood sugar levels and prevent dehydration.

pregnant women

Although there is no clear scientific evidence on the negative effects of fasting on a fetus during Ramadan, psychological stress, fatigue, and distorted sleep patterns may indirectly affect the mother’s and the fetus’s health.

So while at the end of the day, it’s the mother’s choice if she wishes to fast or not during Ramadan, she should still consult with her doctor first thing before making a choice.

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