Ryan Reynolds responds to Martha Stewart’s claim that he’s “Not So Funny in Real Life”

Ryan Reynolds has replied to Martha Stewart’s assertion that he is “not so funny in real life.”
“I’d disagree with her,” Reynolds wrote on X. “But I tried that once. The woman is unexpectedly spry. She really closed the gap after a mile or so.”
It’s unclear what he meant by his remarks, but it appears that he’s trying to be funny by implying that an 83-year-old woman shouldn’t be able to compete with him in a middle-distance athletic competition or that some alleged previous disagreement he had with Stewart sent her into such an offended tizzy that she chased him for over a mile. Regardless, he’s basically proving her correct.
Stewart spoke about the Red Notice star while appearing on Bilt Rewards’ Rent Free gaming program. When asked to name celebrities that people believe would be great to hang out with, the hotel entrepreneur anticipated Reynolds would be a popular choice—bbut not before pointing out that he does not deserve that reputation.
“He’s probably on the list just ’cause he covers himself up in his movies and you don’t see his face,” she informed me. “Do you want to know anything? He’s not really hilarious in real life.”
She emphasized, “No, he’s not that humorous.” He is very serious.” Stewart did concede that Reynolds understands how to adapt amusing characteristics in his job. “He’s a good actor,” she said. “He may seem hilarious, but he is not funny. Maybe he can be humorous again.”
Stewart was aware that her statements may generate controversy. “I’m going to get in trouble,” she said. “He’s my neighbor.” Reynolds and his wife, Blake Lively, do have a house near Stewart’s property in Bedford, New York.
When asked about her own preferences for celebrities she’d hang out with, Stewart came up with a list that did not include Reynolds. “George Clooney is delightful. “George is a great person to hang out with,” she remarked. Stewart also said that “Taylor Swift is lovely” and that Brad Pitt and her friend Snoop Dogg would make her list. “I would take Ryan off it, and I would put in somebody else.”