How to get rid of liver fat with simple foods and drinks

 Liver fat is a growing problem among adults. It is caused due to poor diets, viral infections, and other such factors. Its presence can have bad effects on an individual’s health and immune system, along with potential complications that can escalate to severe levels.

The good news is that there are simple foods and drinks that can help you get rid of liver fat and restore your liver’s health, and while you should always have a medical opinion, these foods and drinks will surely only help:

foods and drinks to get rid of liver fat

1. Green tea

liver fat


Green tea is an excellent way to reduce fatty liver deposits.

It contains antioxidants that can help cleanse the liver and enhance the production of enzymes responsible for breaking down fats. Drinking 2-3 cups of green tea daily can help reduce liver fat in the long run.

2. Garlic

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Garlic helps in reducing inflammation in the liver, which is critical to the liver’s optimal function. Additionally, the plant compound allicin, present in garlic, helps prevent fat buildup in the liver.

You can add raw garlic to your diet or opt for supplements if you find consuming raw garlic difficult.

3. Berries and nuts

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Berries and nuts contain high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes them so they can help reduce liver fat levels.

Berries like blueberries and cranberries contain flavonoids, which help to improve liver health by preventing liver damage and keeping the liver healthy.

Nuts including walnuts, almonds, and Brazil nuts, on the other hand, contain unsaturated fats and fiber, which help reduce liver fat by improving insulin resistance.

4. Broccoli

liver fat


Broccoli is a fantastic vegetable that can help reduce liver fat levels. It contains sulforaphane, a compound that helps optimize the healthy functioning of the liver.

In addition, broccoli contains Vitamin C, which is essential in boosting the production of enzymes that help break down fats in the liver.

5. Fish

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Consuming healthy fats found in fish like salmon, sardines, and tuna can help reduce liver fat.

These fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower inflammation in the liver and subsequently reduce fat buildup. Additionally, they promote better blood flow to the liver, enabling the liver to work more effectively.

Eliminating liver fat is challenging, but possible with a healthy balanced diet.

However, before adopting a new diet, it’s very important to consult a professional healthcare provider to ensure your unique health needs are being met.

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