What’s secret ingredient for perfect Barbie pasta?

Since the announcement release date of the Barbie movie, the world has been going pink to go along with the excitement to watch the film.

Not only the world has turned pink, but also people have been virally circulating a Barbie pasta recipe which became a trend on TikTok.

Barbie pasta ingredients:

The trendy Barbie pasta is actually a very easy recipe which contains simple ingredients that can be found in every home.

Barbie pasta ingredients are Pasta, in fact, you may use any kind of pasta that you like. In addition, you will need olive oil, lemon, garlic, salt, pepper, parmesan, Mascarpone or yoghurt, and Basil for decoration.

And the secret ingredient for its pink color and delicious taste is actually “beets.”

Barbie pasta

Barbie pasta recipe:

First, you have to add olive oil and salt to the beets and then wrap them up with aluminium foil then place them on a baking sheet and put them inside the oven which is preheated to 425°F. Keep the beats until they are well done, which takes up to 1 hour.

Second, slice beets after they cool down into quarters and place them into the blender along with the remaining salt, 1 cup of mascarpone or yoghurt, lemon juice, zest, garlic, grated parmesan and pepper.

Blend the Barbie pasta ingredients for about 1 to 2 minutes, until they are all mixed up.

Then, cook pasta until it’s cooked, remove the water but keep 1 cup to add to the prepared pink sauce.

Finally, blind the pasta with the pink sauce and add the saved pasta cooking water cup and stir well. Add some Basil for decoration.

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