Eminem’s journey: 16 years of sobriety

A short time ago, American rapper Eminem used his personal account to share a snapshot of his palm holding a penny to commemorate the 16 years since he stopped abusing drugs and alcohol.

After going through serious drug-related problems in 2009, the American musician quit using drugs, and in June 2010, he released his hit song Not Afraid.

Over the years, the Detroit native—real name: Marshall Mathers—has talked openly about his struggles with prescription drug addiction. Eminem had to go through several treatment efforts before he could stay sober. His sobriety began on April 20, 2008.

His return and addiction are topics covered in his albums “Relapse” and “Recovery.”.

Another reason why Eminem is the best, His ability to rhyme complex words and phrases, manipulate syllables, and vary his flow is often cited as one of his greatest strengths. He has shown a mastery of many different styles and has been able to adapt to various beats, making him a versatile rapper.

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