Elderly woman crashes her car into a barbershop

In the US state of Arizona, a barbershop was hit by a car driven by an elderly woman who lost control of her car, leading to a car crash.

Surveillance cameras documented the moment the incident happened. The footage shows the car veering off the parking lot and crashing through the front window of a salon, halting in the reception area.

The British newspaper “Daily Mail” published a video clip showing a number of site workers and customers who were shocked by the car storming the barbershop.

The driver thankfully only sustained minor injuries with bruises on her legs, while there was no harm done to any of the customers of the salon.

Ashley Upton, the owner of the salon that was hit, was reasonably shocked by what happened. She also stated that if the elderly driver had hit another spot, she could have had fatal injuries.

Upton was performing a haircut for a client when the accident happened, and the car crash impact caused the wall to collapse just in front of her around 1 pm on Saturday.

It goes to show how you can never know when something dangerous could happen, but it is important to try and be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

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