Dangers of self-medication to know about and be careful of

Self-medication refers to the practice of researching about the illnesses or disorders that we may have, and based on minimal information, consume medicines without expert supervision. This can have adverse effects on health and impact the body negatively. This can further add to more health problems and antibiotic resistance.
In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. Tapas Kumar Koley, HOD & Consultant – Internal Medicine, Manipal Hospitals, Dwarka, New Delhi, said, “It includes using home remedies or unprescribed medications to treat common health issues without consulting a doctor. Self-medication can result in wrong diagnosis and inappropriate treatment that can potentially cause long-term harm.”
Why is self-medication so prevalent?
Access to over-the-counter medicines and the desire to avoid medical expenses are the top-most reasons, said Dr Tapas Kumar Koley. “Many people feel confident managing minor symptoms themselves, relying on social media, the internet, and personal experience. However, this trend is contributing to broader public health problems, such as antibiotic resistance and increased rates of drug addiction,” he added.
Dos and don’ts to follow:
“Proper reading of the enclosed literature, and medication labels, understanding the potential side effects, and adhering to the right dose are extremely important. A pharmacist should be consulted while purchasing medicines as it prevents misuse, minimises risk, and ensures the safety of the patient,” added Dr Tapas Kumar Koley.
How to stop the practice of self-medication?
Dr Tapas Kumar Koley suggested, “To address the risks of self-medication, healthcare authorities and providers need to raise awareness about its potential dangers. People should be encouraged to seek advice from qualified physicians for persistent or severe symptoms before self-medication. Promoting a culture of informed decision-making with emphasis on the value of medical consultations can strike a balance between autonomy in self-care and overall safety.” It is equally important to take strict actions to restrict the sale over-the-counter medicines.