Clothes designer puts Saudi Arabia flag on a short skirt

Mowalola Ogunlesi, a Nigerian fashion designer known as Mowalola, has recently found herself facing backlash and great outrage from Muslims, particularly Saudis after one of her designs was revealed in a fashion show.

The controversial item in question was a short skirt bearing the Saudi Arabia flag worn by a model in one of her fashion shows. The design sparked criticism on social media and accusations of insulting Islam and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Many were calling for the designer and the companies she works for to be held accountable and to boycott her.


The controversy drew attention to a sensitive issue, as the Saudi Arabian flag includes the phrase “There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the prophet of Allah.”. To Muslims, this phrase holds immense significance and is considered sacred.

Initially, Mowalola ignored the growing backlash and even published an ill-advised post underestimating the anger of those offended before deleting it. However, the designer soon apologized through her social media account.

In her apology, Mowalola explained that national flags of different countries were one of her main sources of inspiration for her designs, but she failed to recognize the sacred nature of the words on the Saudi Arabian flag. She expressed deep regret for any harm or offense she may have caused and announced her intention to remove the design from her collection.

Some have speculated that the designer intentionally used the Saudi Arabia flag to draw attention to herself, but Mowalola denied these claims.

While the controversy has brought attention to a sensitive issue, it also highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding.

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