China to ban clothing that “hurt” the nation’s feelings

The Chinese government is drafting new legal amendments that could lead to a ban on clothing deemed “hurtful” to the feelings of the country. According to these new laws, Such clothing could attract heavy fines and even imprisonment.  

While it has not been clearly defined what types of clothes would be considered harmful, individuals have voiced their concern about the vague nature of these laws and the potential for abuse by authorities.

Many online commentators agreed that the man in Shenzhen who was questioned by the police for wearing a skirt was offensive to public morals. However, the lack of clarity about these new laws does worry people.

Legal experts have already criticized these proposed changes, stating that the language used is too vague and opens the door to arbitrary expansion of the scope of administrative punishment.



The proposed legal amendments have sparked a debate about individual freedom of expression and the ability to express oneself through fashion. In the past, law enforcement in China has charged individuals with “starting quarrels and provoking trouble” for clothing or slogans with politically sensitive messages.

These new amendments could give the authorities even greater scope to implement security campaigns against clothing that is deemed harmful to public morals.

According to interviews conducted by AFP with people on the streets of Beijing, many believe that the changes relate to people wearing Japanese clothing at sites of historical significance on commemorative days.

On the National Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Japanese War Crimes in 1973, a woman caused controversy after wearing a “kimono” in a public place, receiving severe criticism from authorities. A year later, another woman was arrested during a photo session while wearing a kimono.



Concerned citizens have argued that the authorities should focus on interpreting the language in these amendments more carefully and defining clear areas of concern.

Some citizens have expressed their willingness to hold individuals accountable for wearing offensive clothing on special occasions, while others believe that the laws threaten their freedom of expression.

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