Annie Charlotte, adult film star with two vaginas, reveals wildest fan requests

Due to her rare disorder known as uterus didelphys, which causes her to have two vaginas, two cervices, and two uteruses, adult actress Annie Charlotte has recently gained widespread attention.
Annie Charlotte, 26, is honest about her illness on her OnlyFans page, including displaying for her fans what her anatomy looks like up close with a speculum.
She often receives unusual requests from her members, which is not surprising.
“One man bought my bathwater for $4000 AUD,” Annie told
“I emailed him a picture of me in the bath, scooped some of the water into a jar, and dispatched it to the US.
“They wanted to confirm that the water had been ‘exposed’ to both my vaginas.”
She further stated that her most popular video request features her inserting underwear into each vagina.
Last Christmas, she began marketing these videos for $650 for both sets.
She sold her underwear that month and made over $30,000.
Annie explained that her OnlyFans income, primarily from streaming video games, brings her an amazing $20,000 per month.
She plays popular games such as League of Legends, Call of Duty, and Black Ops six to ten hours every day in addition to any other trendy game that month.
Annie gets some somewhat unusual requests throughout her streams. “I had one bloke purchase a $1500 mousepad,” she said. He only wanted me to sit on it. Someone paid $300 for my toenail clippings as well! Annie is limited in what she can do.
“With some of my nice lingerie, I’m really quite precious,” she stated.
“I had a guy interested in a decent Honey Birdette set, and that’s really pricey. The only way I could make that happen, I informed him, was if he paid for the set he was buying from me and then bought me a new one.
“That seemed to turn him off, but I was unconcerned.” I ensure that my underwear is within their budget, should they decide to purchase it.
Because of her online disclosure of her disease, she has experienced some somewhat alarming actions in her dating life.
In December, she disclosed to, “I am currently using numerous dating applications, and individuals frequently refer to me as the “two-p****s girl.”
She rarely receives questions about her own identity; most of them end up being explicit.
Men sometimes wonder whether she has “had two at a time.”
They immediately offer to “sort her out” when she says she hasn’t.
Annie remembered one particular incident involving a well-known man she had been seeing.
Up until he came over with a friend after a few beers, everything had been going great between them. He said suddenly, “I wanted to be tunnel buddies in separate vaginas.” His mate agreed.
Annie could see he had considered this and practiced his lines. She first startled people, then entertained the thought.
However, the circumstances at the time prevented the man from achieving his goal.
Annie has encountered numerous instances where she felt a lack of humanity and respect.
“With work, it’s so easy to say, ‘It’s just a job.'” In my dating life, however, I embody more than just my two vaginas.