Algerian doctor extracts 20 nails and metal wires from patient’s abdomen

In a noteworthy medical achievement, a team of surgeons at Skikda Hospital in eastern Algeria successfully removed 20 nails and metal wires from the abdomen of a patient diagnosed with psychological disorders.

Reported by the “Mosaïque FM” website, the surgical procedure, conducted by the hospital’s surgical operations department, was described as rare and complex. Lasting over six hours, the operation required meticulous attention and expertise from the medical team.

The hospital administration confirmed the successful extraction of approximately twenty metal nails and a set of metal wires from the patient’s abdominal region. These foreign objects had become lodged in both the small and large intestines, posing a significant health risk.

It was emphasized that the patient’s condition, characterized by psychological disorders, added complexity to the surgical intervention. However, the skilled medical professionals effectively addressed the situation, ensuring the patient’s safety and well-being.

This accomplishment highlights the dedication and proficiency of the medical staff at Skikda Hospital in managing challenging cases and delivering quality healthcare to the community.

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