Strange video: White spot suddenly appears in Japan sky after earthquake

A video has been circulating on social media showing a white spot in the sky of Japan after a strong earthquake today, measuring a magnitude of 6. This white spot has caused panic among people who have been facing a series of earthquakes since the beginning of 2024.

The earthquake is part of a series of earthquakes hitting Japan, resulting in the death of more than 213 people and the disappearance of over 330 others due to consecutive earthquakes.

It is worth mentioning that Japan is located in a seismic zone, but an earthquake of this magnitude has not occurred since 2016.

Despite Japan being accustomed to dealing with earthquakes routinely, this recent event is considered exceptional due to the high magnitude of the earthquake and the significant damages it has caused.

The report also indicates that the country has reaffirmed its ability to cope with natural disasters, as buildings in Japan are designed to withstand the impact of earthquakes better than in many other countries.

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