Adeiladau anghofiedig Cymru // Wales’ forgotten buildings
Mae’r ffotograffydd o Abertawe, Steve Liddiard yn crwydro Cymru yn dogfennu rhai o’n hadeiladau amddifad, anghofiedig, er mwyn eu rhoi ar gof a chadw, cyn iddyn nhw fynd ar goll am byth. Yma, mae’n egluro mwy:
Swansea photographer Steve Liddiard travels around Wales, keeping a record of some of our forgotten buildings, so that they aren’t forgotten forever. Here, he explains more:
‘Nes i ddechrau tynnu lluniau rhyw bum mlynedd yn ôl. Ro’n i’n diodde’ llawer gyda gor-bryder a ges i fy nghynghori i fynd am dro i helpu.
Dyna pryd ‘nes i ddechrau tynnu lluniau gyda fy ffôn, ac ar ôl eu rhannu gyda ffrindiau ac ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a chael ymateb da, ‘nes i gael mwy o offer fel camera DSLR a drôns drud i fynd â’r peth i’r lefel nesa’.
I started taking photos around five years ago. I struggled a lot with anxiety and was advised that going for walks would help.
Along these walks I would take photos with my camera phone and after I shared them with family and on social media had a lot of positive feedback. This snowballed and I got more equipment like a DSLR camera and high–end drones to take it to a new level.
Mae rhai o’r lleoliadau hanesyddol rwy’ wedi tynnu eu llun bellach wedi diflannu, felly mae ‘na hefyd ochr bwysig i’r prosiect o ran cadwraeth gweledol.
Fy mwriad yw i ddogfennu a dal y lleoliadau yma cyn iddyn nhw gael eu colli am byth.
Some of the historic locations I have shot no longer exist so visual preservation i also an important aspect to the project.
My aim is to document and capture these locations before they are lost altogether.
Rydw i’n gwneud llawer o ymchwil i mewn i’r lleoedd yma. Rwy’ fel arfer yn defnyddio mapiau OS, sydd yn dangos mapiau hŷn y gallwch chi eu gosod dros fapiau mwy modern. Mae’r hen fapiau yn dangos beth oedd yn arfer bod, yn gapel neu’n blasdy…
Rwy’n gweithio o fewn tîm bach iawn o ffotograffwyr; fel arfer, ry’n ni’n mynd i’r llefydd yma gyda’n gilydd, ac yn ein sgyrsiau ar-lein, yn rhannu lleoliadau a mannau o ddiddordeb, ac yn gweithio gyda’n gilydd i gasglu cliwiau er mwyn gweithio mas lleoliad. Mae’r we, wrth gwrs, wedi helpu’n aruthrol gyda’r ymchwil.
A lot of research goes into locating these places. I usually use OS maps which will show you older maps which you can then overlay on more modern maps. These older maps show what used to be, whether it was a chapel or manor house.
I work within a very small team of photographers; we usually head to these places together and in our online chat, share locations and areas of interest, working together to build up clues to narrow down a search. The internet, of course, has helped massively with the research.
Rwy’n teimlo fod angen amddiffyn union leoliadau’r safleoedd yma. Er fod y rhan fwyaf mewn stad ofnadwy, mae ‘na beryg y byddai pobl yn mynd i’r lleoliadau ‘ma am resymau sinistr.
Os oes gennych chi’r diddordeb a’r amser, gallech chi ddod o hyd i’r llefydd yma ar eich pen eich hun, neu’n ‘nabod rhywun sydd yn gwybod amdano. Ond mae e i gyd am geisio diogelu a chofnodi’r llefydd yma, fel y gallen nhw oroesi cyn hired â phosib.
I feel the exact location of these sites need to be protected. Although most are in a terrible state of disrepair, there is always a risk of people heading to these locations without the right intentions.
If you have an interest and the time, you could track down most of these places yourself, or maybe know someone who knows about the place. But it’s all about trying to preserve and document these places so they can survive as long as possible.
Gallai fod yn beryglus. Y rhan fwyaf o’r amser, dydw i ddim yn mynd fy hun, neu os yw’n safle diogel, rwy’ dal yn gadael i’n nheulu a ffrindiau wybod lle ydw i. Wrth gwrs, mae’r rhan fwyaf o’r llefydd yma yn anghysbell ac yn guddiedig, felly os gewch chi ddamwain, mae cael help am fod yn anodd iawn.
Gallwch weld fod strwythurau rhai o’r adeiladau ddim yn ddiogel, felly bydden i wastad yn tynnu lluniau o’r tu fas. Peidiwch byth â rhoi eich hun mewn perygl ar gyfer llun!
It can be dangerous. For most locations I never go alone, or if it’s a safer site I still check–in with family and friends just to let them know where I am. Of course most of these locations are very remote and hidden away, and if you were to have an accident, getting help would be extremely difficult.
You can see with some structures that the building isn’t safe, so I would always shoot from the outside. But never put yourself at risk for a photo!
O’n i’n ddigon lwcus yn 2021 i ennill Ffotograffydd Hanesyddol y Flwyddyn 2021 am fy llun o Oleudy Whiteford ar y Gŵyr. Cafodd y llun yma ei rannu ledled y byd, o Asia i CNN America.
I was lucky enough in 2021 to be awarded Historical Photographer Of the Year 2021 for my image of Whiteford Lighthouse, Gower. This image was then shared all over the world as far as Asia and CNN America.
Ges i sioc eleni, mod i wedi ennill Ffotograffydd Hanesyddol y Flwyddyn eto yn 2022 am fy llun o felin wlân anghofiedig, lle mae natur yn dechrau cymryd drosodd. Roedd ‘na tua 1,300 o ymgeisiadau eleni, gan ffotograffwyr proffesiynol ac amatur o bedwar ban byd.
To my surprise, this year, I‘ve won Historical Photographer of the Year 2022 again for my image of a long forgotten woollen mill, slowly being taken over by nature. There were around 1,300 entries this year, professionals and amateur photographers, from across the world.