Was Hande Erçel declared an unwanted bride by the Sabancı family on social media?

When it comes to her romantic life, the well-known actress Hande Erçel has been in the news quite frequently in recent times. Following the conclusion of her romance with Hakan Sabancı, a socialite and businessman, Erçel began to garner attention on social media platforms to shed light on her heartbreak. However, Hande Erçel’s family, whose heart Erçel most recently stole, does not follow the well-known actress on social media.
It has come to light that Hakan Sabancı’s mother, Arzu Sabancı, as well as his father, Ömer Sabancı, as well as his brothers, Hacı and Kerem, and Hacı’s wife, Nazlı, do not follow Hande within the realm of social media. Hande Erçel is not someone who Arzu Sabancı follows, despite the fact that she is always accompanied by the wife of her eldest son, Hacı. Neither family member follows the famous actress on social media, and they have the same attitude.
The circumstances that transpired resulted in remarks indicating that the Sabancı family did not fully embrace Hande Erçel. People made remarks on social media about the relationship between the famous actress and her family. These comments suggested that the Sabancı family had constructed a perception of the actress as a “unwilling bride.”
Hakan Sabancı, a member of the Sabancı family, is the sole individual who follows his sweetheart, Hande . However, the family’s non-adherence to Hande raises concerns about their two-year relationship.
There has been no progress made towards marriage between the famous actress and Hakan Sabancı, despite the fact that they have been in a relationship for a period of three years. It appears that the Sabancı family’s approval has not yet been acquired, despite the fact that everyone anticipates the couple crowning their long-term romance with marriage.