‘Wallah you lie’: Cristiano Ronaldo tells fan, triggers debate

Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has been driving much attention since joining the Al Nassr Football Club in Saudi Arabia and moving to the Middle East to live there.
With the latest, Cristiano Ronaldo was spotted signing the t-shirt of a fan, and while he was there in the street, the man started to express how much he loved the footballer.
Ronaldo’s response to the fan caused a storm online after the person said “Wallah I love you,” when Cristiano responded, “Wallah you lie.”
This came before the Al Nassr team trip to the Saudi city of Abha, which is hosting the Saudi Super Cup competitions this season.
Other users also circulated another video, in which Ronaldo was heard saying: “Al Salam Alaykom (Peace be upon you),” when he boarded the plane carrying the team.
Not only Ronaldo, Rodriguez had earlier posted videos on her official Instagram page showing her daughters Eva and Alana singing in Arabic.
Nonetheless, a clip of Alana listing the weekdays in Arabic also was liked by fans.