US military conducts strike in Syria: Official

The US military carried out an attack in Syria on Sunday night after two rockets targeted a base housing American and Coalition forces.

Two rockets targeted the Rumalyn Landing Zone in Syria but neither hit the base. There were no injuries to personnel or damage to equipment, according to a US defense official.

Following the attack, the official said US Central Command (CENTCOM) forces identified where it originated from using Uncrewed Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets. The US response “neutralized unexploded ordnance that posed a threat to civilians and our forces.”

The defense official added: “We retain the right to self-defense and will not hesitate to protect our service members at a time of our choosing.”

US forces have been targeted hundreds of times since the outbreak of the Gaza war. Almost all of the attacks have been attributed to Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria.

A drone attack in January killed three American servicemembers and wounded dozens more. The US responded with dozens of strikes at different locations in Iraq and Syria connected to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) or militias it backs.

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