UAE, Singapore, India ranked as some of world’s most ‘stock-obsessed’ countries

The United Arab Emirates ranked as one of the world’s most “stock-obsessed” countries, alongside Singapore and India, a new study revealed on Monday.
UK financial services provider CMC Markets conducted a study using Google Trends data of popular search terms related to stocks and trading. These terms were combined to create a “total search score” for each English-speaking country, in order to determine which countries have shown the most interest in stocks over the past 12 months.
In first place was Singapore, followed by India, Canada, the US, UAE, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Nigeria respectively.
Singapore ranked first in searches for the phrases “stocks,” “buy stocks,” and “interest rate,” and third in searches for “stock market,” with a score of 555 out of 700.
India came in second place on the list, with a total search score of 492. The country had the second-highest proportion of its population searching for “stock market” and “swing trading.”
Canada placed third, with a total search score of 462, thanks to its high levels of searches for “invest in stocks” and “buy stocks.”
The US came in fourth, with a total search score of 453. It had the highest level of searches for “invest in stocks” and “stock market,” as well as the fourth-highest level of searches for “buy stocks.”
The UAE had a total search score of 374, with the fourth-highest level of searches for “swing trading” and was the fifth-most interested in “day trading.”
Australia placed sixth, with a total search score of 338. It had the sixth-highest proportion of its population searching for “invest in stocks,” and was the most interested in “day trading” out of all the countries on the list.