The rotten role of Western governments in spreading hatred against Islam

Western countries fuel sectarian strife in Islamic countries and among their people, aligning some with a particular sect, while supporting others, of course, through secret agreements and consensus with those countries belonging to another sect. Conflicts are fueled through media channels, organizations, institutions, and suspicious entities to weaken Arab and Islamic countries, making it easier to pounce on them and control their destiny and course.

On the domestic front, these governments contribute to inciting hatred against Islam among their populations. They protect desecration of the Quran, oppose the hijab in universities and official institutions, cover up attacks on veiled women, and turn a blind eye to the dissemination of offensive cartoons of Islam and the Prophet under the pretext of freedom of speech and expression.

Externally, Western countries, for the most part, sponsor terrorist organizations masquerading as Islam to carry out their agendas abroad, and sometimes domestically, by causing chaos and keeping those victim countries preoccupied, hindering their reconstruction and development as seen in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and Iraq. Today, these activities have extended to Ukraine, where covert groups infiltrated Moscow and executed their extremist operations. Western security agencies transferred hundreds of former ISIS terrorists from the former Soviet Union to the heart of Moscow, convincing them that Russia is fighting Islam and Sharia.

The danger posed by Western countries, led by the United States and Britain, who have delegates working within the mentioned terrorist organization, does not stop at the borders of countries that have experienced chaos and destruction but extends to safe countries, especially in the Middle East, which welcomed refugees from the former Soviet Union decades ago. These individuals, after completing their mission, will be trained, prepared, and equipped with military, combat, and necessary communication skills to carry out operations in the Middle East that undermine the security of their host countries.

Therefore, it has become imperative for Arab countries within the framework of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to intensify efforts to thwart these schemes and punish any group or individual who dares to succumb to these rumors and deceptive operations attempted by Western countries, in order to address any security breaches occurring in the remaining safe countries in the region.

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