Tel Aviv shooting leaves one man dead, another critically injured

At least one man is in a serious condition after a shooting on a street in central Tel Aviv on Saturday, Israeli police said.

The suspected shooter was then shot dead by a municipal patrol officer, Tel Aviv’s mayor Ron Huldai told Israel’s public broadcaster.

The Inspector General of the Israel Police said the attacker was “apparently” a resident of the Palestinian town of Jenin, in the occupied West Bank.

A police spokesman told the Israeli public broadcaster the shooter had been “neutralized,” but did not provide further details on the suspected attacker.

The shooting comes a day after a Palestinian teen was killed in an attack by Israeli civilians on a Palestinian village in the West Bank.

Washington has expressed concern over a growing number of attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinian villages in the West Bank, where violence has worsened since last year with increased Israeli raids amid Palestinian street attacks on Israelis.

The man in critical condition is a municipal patrol worker, according to the city’s mayor, who said he had approached the attacker after noticing something suspicious and was then fired at by the shooter.

“We are standing at a very sad incident,” Huldai said. “We are praying for the well-being of the injured.”

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