Social media users: Shane Dawson shouldn’t be around kids!

Several social media users took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to express their anger and concern towards Shane Dawson having twin babies with his partner Ryland Adams via surrogacy amid claims of indulging in bestiality and pedophilia concerns. 

Users added that Shane Dawson often joked about pedophilia and has been known for his “predatory behavior” online adding to the concern of what could happen to the newborn babies in the future who could also be “easily exploited.”

Shane Dawson

“A guy gets canceled for making a tasteless joke – which is a comedian’s job. Yet FOUR pedophiles now get whatever they want including forgiveness?

Fu**g Shane Dawson shouldn’t be allowed near kids let alone have twins.

What the f*** is wrong with the world these days?”

“Shane Dawson has previously been criticized for simulating masturbation to a photograph of a child.”

Social media users: Shane Dawson shouldn’t be around kids!

Shane first announced with his partner Rynald that they were having a baby in March 2022 and later surprised everyone by having not only one but two twins.

After a while, they announced the birth of Parker and Max Chandler Adams Yaw on Dec. 7, 2023, in a post on Shane’s official Instagram account with photos of the couple and their newborn twins together.

The caption said:

“There are no words to express how it feels to be the fathers of these two beautiful boys,” Dawson and Adams wrote in a statement from both of them. The couple called the moment “the best day of our entire lives”, and explained that “nothing else will ever compare”.

Dawson later added that they don’t plan on showing the twins in any of their upcoming videos but wanted to share the announcement with their fandom.

“We probably won’t be showing much of them in the future but because many of you have been on the journey with us we felt it was right to show the destination.”

Find the official post below:

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