Saudi man missing in Egypt for over a month, embassy investigating

The Saudi embassy in Cairo said on Thursday that it has been exerting all necessary effort into disclosing the whereabouts of Saudi national, Hattan Shata, who went missing over a month ago.

Saudi national, Hattan Shata, went missing over a month ago. (Screengrab)
Saudi national, Hattan Shata, went missing over a month ago.

The embassy noted in a statement it shared on X that it has been closely following up on the extensive search efforts to find Shata in coordination with his family.

It said that since the first day of Shata’s disappearance, the embassy has been in contact with security authorities in Egypt. Search efforts also focused on surveillance cameras that documented Shata leaving his area of residency in El Tagamoa El Khamis in New Cairo before he went missing.

Shata, who has a personal Instagram page that describes him as a personal coach, has been missing since April 22, according to his brother, Hani.

Hani has created an Instagram page in hopes anyone can share information that can help locate his brother. He has also been in Egypt to follow up with the authorities and to help search for his brother.

“We don’t know what happened. All scenarios are on the table, I don’t rule out any scenario…what matters to me is to find him,” Hani said in one of his videos on social media.

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