Palestinian Authority signals readiness for unified leadership post-Gaza war

Palestinian prime minister Mohammed Mustafa said on Thursday in Baghdad that the Palestinian Authority was ready to re-establish “unified” Palestinian leadership after the Gaza war.

The Palestinian leadership has been split since 2007, with the PA, led by Mahmooud Abbas, holding limited authority in the occupied West Bank, while Hamas controls the Gaza Strip.

“We are ready, as Palestinians, to assume our responsibilities from the day after (the Gaza war ends) in order to help… restore the unity of the Palestinian people and leadership,” Mustafa said during a news conference with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein.

“We also need to be well prepared for the creation of a (Palestinian) state and the responsibilities that this entails,” he added.

Mustafa was speaking days after Spain, Ireland, Norway and Slovenia recognized a Palestinian state.

The PA’s role post-war is uncertain, due in part to its limited influence in Gaza and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s opposition to a Palestinian state.

There are divisions within the Israeli government on post-war plans for Gaza.

In March, the United States said a “revitalized” Palestinian Authority could help stabilize both the West Bank and Gaza, a notion Netanyahu has rejected, accusing the PA of “supporting” and “financing terrorism”.

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