Mistakes to avoid while washing your face

Washing our face is an important step many of us take in the morning in our daily skincare routine. Not only does it help keep the skin clean, but it also helps us feel refreshed and ready to start our day.

However, even the simplest of tasks can come with mistakes that result in damaging our skin in the long term if not avoided. Here are some mistakes to avoid and be aware of while washing your face:

1. Not washing your hands

washing your face


It’s important to wash your hands before washing your face as dirty hands can be a source of infection. Washing your hands before washing your face helps eliminate the chances of infection-causing bacteria entering your face, thus keeping the skin healthy.

2. Using the wrong temperature of water

washing your face


Most people tend to use hot water to wash their faces, especially during winter. However, this is not recommended as hot water can strip off the natural oils from our skin, leaving it dry and irritated.

Cold water on the other hand doesn’t clean the pores as thoroughly as warm water. The best temperature should be lukewarm to maintain the skin’s natural balance.

3. Over-washing or under-washing

washing your face


The frequency of washing your face is crucial. Overwashing the face can lead to dryness, irritation, and even breakouts. On the other hand, under-washing can leave dirt, oil, and makeup residue clogging the pores, leading to blackheads, whiteheads, and acne formation. Ideally, washing the face twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, should suffice.

4. Rubbing your face too hard

washing your face


Using a lot of force and rubbing the skin too hard while washing the face can lead to irritation, inflammation, and even premature aging. Instead, use gentle circular motions to massage the cleanser into the skin, and remember to be gentle around the eye area.

5. Not removing makeup before washing

washing your face


Failing to remove makeup before washing your face can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Use a gentle makeup remover before cleansing the face for maximum benefits.

6. Not using a clean towel

washing your face


The towel we use to dry our face can harbor bacteria and microorganisms, leading to skin infections. It is important to use a clean towel every time to avoid that.

While washing the face is an easy task, it can also be easy to make some mistakes if not careful or aware. Learning about some of these mistakes is important as it can help us keep our skin healthy and glowing in the long run.

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