Israel-Palestine live: Hunger-striking prisoner Khader Adnan dies

Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan died in Israeli custody early on Tuesday after being on hunger strike for nearly three months.
The 45-year-old went on hunger strikes several times after previous arrests, including a 55-day strike in 2015 to protest his detention without charge.Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan died in Israeli custody early on Tuesday after being on hunger strike for nearly three months.
The 45-year-old went on hunger strikes several times after previous arrests, including a 55-day strike in 2015 to protest his detention without charge.Adnan’s body potentially being moved for autopsy: AJ correspondent
Al Jazeera’s Nida Ibrahim reporting from Ramallah says according to Palestinian sources, Adnan’s body is being taken to a centre in Israel for an autopsy.

“Maybe they’re taking the body for pictures. The family has said that any attempts to conduct an autopsy will be heavily criticised and will not be acceptable,” she added.
Family will only accept congratulations, Adnan’s wife says
Adnan’s wife, Randa Mousa, says at a news conference outside their house in the occupied West Bank town of Arrabeh, that her husband’s death is a point of “pride”.

“I was hoping that he would be with us today, … but it was his fate from God that he be martyred,” she said.

Mousa said despite Adnan saying he was dying, no one believed him until his eventual death.

“This will not be a funeral home. We will only accept those who want to congratulate us,” she said.

Doctor’s rights group says risk to Adnan’s life ignored
Physicians for Human Rights Israel says a doctor who had visited Adnan several days ago had written a medical opinion outlining the immediate risk to his life, but that those entreaties were ignored.

“Khader Adnan chose a hunger strike as a last resort, a non-violent means of protest against the oppression of himself and his people,” the group said in a statement.

44m ago (08:19 GMT)
Israel wants to ‘send a message’ to Palestinian prisoners
Qadri Abu Bakr, head of the Commission for the Affairs of Prisoners and Ex-Detainees in Ramallah, says through Adnan’s death Israel wanted to “send a message” to Palestinian prisoners that their fate would be death if they started a hunger strike.

“We will present what happened to the International Criminal Court because it is a full-fledged crime,” he added.

“Israel considers itself a state above the law. America and European countries ignore Israel’s crimes, and so Israel follows up on their crimes.”

Hamas spokesman calls Khader’s death a ‘cold-blooded execution’
Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem says Adnan’s death will be written in the “glory pages of our people”.

“What happened reveals the extent of terrorism and fascism of the so-called Prison Service, which deliberately killed Sheikh Khader in this way,” Qasem said in a statement.

“This crime represents a cold-blooded execution carried out by the Prison Service against the martyred prisoner Khader Adnan. … The path of revolution and resistance will escalate throughout Palestine in response to this crime and all the crimes of Israeli occupation.”Adnan’s wife calls for body to be released: AJ correspondent
Al Jazeera’s Samir Abu Shammala reports from Jenin that Adnan’s wife says she is proud of her husband’s “martyrdom” and calls for his body to be released immediately.

“She demanded the Israel hand over her husband’s body and not subject it to an autopsy by Israeli authorities,” he said.

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