Diddy physically assaulted his girlfriend Cassie Ventura

Scenes of violence involving a physical fight between Diddy and his girlfriend, Cassie Ventura

A video on CNN purports to show Sean Combs, better known by his stage name “Diddy,” allegedly shoving, tugging, and kicking Cassie Ventura, who had sued him, during an argument.

The CNN crew captured images captured by a security camera at the now-demolished InterContinental Hotel in Century City on March 5, 2016.

Didi sprints after her, a towel slung around his waist; he kicks her in the stomach to beat her, and then he tries and fails to take her to their room.

Later on, Cassie tries to use the hotel phone to make a call, but Diddy makes an appearance in the lobby and, as if mistaking her for Cassie, throws what looks like a vase at someone off-camera.

“In March 2016, during a meeting at the InterContinental Hotel in Century City, he became extremely drunk and assaulted Cassie.” This statement from Cassie’s complaint is in line with what she says in the video.

Cassie attempted to flee, and upon seeing he was fast asleep, she departed from the room. However, he awoke, began yelling at her, and pursued her into the hotel hallway.”

The plaintiff, claiming he had “grabbed” her, fled towards the escalator while he threw broken glass vases from the corridor at her.

She detailed several claims of abuse and unlawful behavior in her first lawsuit, which ultimately resulted in a settlement.

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