Former Trump aide accuses debate moderators of siding with Harris

Former US President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump performed well during the presidential debate despite a scenario set up against him, ex Trump advisor Dr. Sebastian Gorka has said.

“The bottom line is he wasn’t debating [just] her. He was debating her and the two moderators who are completely in the tank for the Democrat Party. So, it was three to one,” he said during an interview on GNT with Rosanna Lockwood.

Gorka further stressed his claim pointing to the “absurd things they said.”

“Mueller said ‘And you told your followers to march to the Capitol on January 6.’ And God bless President Trump for pointing it out that he left out the actual thing the president said,” the former advisor told Al Arabiya News.

In addition, Gorka reiterated claims by Trump implying that the 2020 presidential elections, that saw the incumbent Joe Biden as the winner, might have been rigged.

“If anyone believes that a senile, decrepit old white guy who campaigned from his basement got more votes than the first black president I have a bridge to sell you in Connecticut. So, we know what happened in 2020. Under the cover of Covid they mailed out 81 million mail-in ballots unbidden and that’s how they perverted that election.”

As for Vice President and Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris, Gorka continued to attack her policies, accusing her of inconsistency and untruthfulness.

“I mean, think about the fact that she is now talking about building the wall or she’s saying that she’s not going to ban fracking. I could show you clips now of interminable instances on the campaign trail as senator, as vice president designate, where she said, ‘we will end fracking.’ ‘I am coming after your assault rifles.’”

Trust in the ex-president

Moreover, Gorka implied that Trump and people close to him had the system against them.

“The current leader of the opposition is facing 700 years in prison. My former White House colleague Steve Bannon is in a federal penitentiary right now,” Gorka said.

Bannon, who served as the White House chief strategist under Donald Trump in 2017, is currently serving a prison sentence after a court found him guilty in 2022 of contempt of Congress.

In the event of an electoral victory of Trump, Gorka expressed confidence in the capabilities of his former boss.

“I don’t need to give him advice. He knows exactly what he’s going to do.”

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